I am a mad collector of images of street art and graffiti, I feel so inspired by the spontaneity and energy that it produces, I particularly like fact that it feels it has a short shelf life and it’s always changing so it’s fresh and often controversial, In a way it’s a similar energy when producing images for print, unless it’s in a book, with magazines and even the net, images come and go. With street art I also love the layering of peeling paper and the way it fades and ages with the elements.
There is so much great art around the city of NYC, I always make sure I have my camera and a lot of people know I swap out my wallpaper all the time on my I-Phone with art I come across, but I have also collected pictures of great street art from around the world, everywhere from Florence to Sydney, I have so much, I cannot share it all on this blog, but will post time to time.
What does this have to do with Styling I hear you ask, I’m not certain I can explain what!.. Only that like a lot of things, it resonates with the inner artist, maybe I can tap into it on a shoot, stay postered!
A great website to check out is www.streetsy.com
Hint: As many of you locals may know, Keep an eye out on 22nd Street, between 9th and 10th outside the Comme De Garcon store, It’s a constant source for ever changing art and inspiration.
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