
Monday, February 14, 2011

Martha Stewart, Everyday Food, Jan/Feb Issue

Photography: Con Poulos
Photography: Con Poulos
Photography: Con Poulos
Photography: Con Poulos
When a gig comes around as a Freelancer that is nearly 3 weeks long, It is very hard to knock it back, especially when it's in the neighbourhood and I don't have to get on a plane to get to it like most long jobs! A couple of blocks with my latte and I am there! For my first Everyday Food issue, to style the whole issue was a great experience, Like working on a book, You are able to invest the head space into creating a whole booklet in one go with the same team. Everyday Food use a different team every month, Mine consisted of myself and Photographer Con Poulos Working with the ever talented Editor in Chief, Anna Last, Design Director, Chi Lam and Food Editor's Heather Meldrom and Lesley Stockton, It's a small team with big results. 

For me there is a lot of propping involved, with a whole issue with over 10 larger stories plus smaller ones too, You need to be able to get your head around how to approach so many stories but give them their own personality or flavor. We also got some surfaces made, but also sourced many as well. The props and surfaces for a whole issue really come from everywhere, My own storage and home, prop houses and the market place but also from the Martha Stewart and the Everyday Food prop cupboard combined. 

Included in this set is a story on Onions, In a section called "In Season" 

The interesting angle to this job was my first larger introduction to the I-Pad and how it effects most shoots now, Shooting video footage, We filmed many aspects of the stories so that they could relate back to an I-Pad format where you can view much more than just the printed page, It's very exciting to see the cross over, It's like having a little bite of the future.     

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