
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Creating Personal Still Life/ Welcome to my world

Photography: Marcus Hay
Photography: Marcus Hay
Photography: Marcus Hay
Photography: Marcus Hay
Photography: Marcus Hay
Photography: Marcus Hay

I have said it many times before, When you live in New York, Your apartment is your haven, your little bit of sanity from the craziness outside. For me my apartment is also a place of constant reorganization, experimenting with new clusters, new formations of still life around the home. Some would say "Get a life!"..but really this is my life. I like to play with my new toys, usually collected from trips O/S or local at flea markets or thrift stores. The introduction of a new object influences everything around it, Sometimes the new object can slip on in almost unnoticed and other times it screams, I need attention! This means an overhaul of it's desired location. 

My place is an ever evolving "game of (still) life", Nothing ever stays the same for long. Maybe it's a behavioural defect in me but I like change around my living space, I can't stand when things stay in the same place when there another thousand options to look at! : ) The challenge excites me to see how I can approach things differently.

I thought I would share these pics I took today on my I-Phone, I like to document my personal space and I often keep these images for my own amusement, but I thought I would start a regular feature on my blog where I show you a snippet of this change as it occours. I feel it's all a part of the evolution of personal style in a home, being comfortable with things not staying stagnet, with introducing new things because you love them without a care wheather they clash or as not the right shade to match. It's what makes a space exciting!    


  1. Your blog is my guilty pleasure since I'm spending way too much time with looking at your pictures. But those one with the small glimpses of your personal life were my favourites so far. Thanks for all the inspiration!
