
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Good Housekeeping/ Easy as Pie

Photography: Con Poulos, Prop Styling: Studio Marcus Hay

Photography: Con Poulos, Prop Styling: Studio Marcus Hay

Photography: Con Poulos, Prop Styling: Studio Marcus Hay
Photography: Con Poulos, Prop Styling: Studio Marcus Hay

Who doesn't love a pie?! At Studio Marcus Hay we sure do, in fact we all had to have a sample a little of all of these beauties baked and styled by the amazing Christine Albano. I have to say the plum was a personal favorite! 

It was great to be involved in this pie making story for Good Housekeeping Magazine. What was first a smaller story that we had originally shot at the end of another larger story became it's own feature due to the fact that back at The GH office, our pie shots were so well received they wanted us to shoot more shots to extend the story including a new opener and ice-cream companions. 

When producing this story we had a struggle finding 4 identical vintage pie dishes, It was our mission, It is kind of ironic that you can't really see them due to the angle we took but believe you me they are there, Thanks for Christine's patience as we hunted and gathered these. 

Photographer Con Poulos did an wonderful job shooting this feature which can be found in the August issue of Good Housekeeping. 

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