
Friday, April 4, 2014

Color & Trend Forecasting/ Studio Marcus Hay

Photography: Studio Marcus Hay 

Photography: Studio Marcus Hay

Photography: William Geddes

Photography: Studio Marcus Hay

Photography: Studio Marcus Hay

Photography: Studio Marcus Hay

New to Studio Marcus Hay's website is a our Color & Trend Forecasting section. Using images unique to the studio, we highlight what's new in color combinations and what we see in all the places we visit on the course of our work or settings and still lives we have combined with hunted treasures and new acquisitions that help inspire us in our work. Some shots are even from our own personal projects.

It is amazing how when finding these scenes to photograph or combining objects how the colors can play off one another. At SMH we are big believers in combining unexpected colors together, this is where you get the most play and interest. Often it's in unexpected places you find these and our eyes are always peeled.

Running themes often occur also, we often see the returning of interest in certain trends, For instance with the impending embracing of Spring, In Europe recently bird motifs and florals have again made a big comeback. The clash of old and new is always interesting and many companies are running with traditional motifs in a new and vibrant way. 

Pastels have been on the rise with a clever pop of color as an accent, added to give the edge needed to pull a powdery palette into a new age. 

We hope you enjoy the new section as it grows in the future. 

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