
Sunday, September 15, 2013

DWR/ Other Purpose Images

Straight on version with full room, Photography: Jim Bastardo, Styling by Studio Marcus Hay

Banner on website, Photography: Jim Bastardo, Styling by Studio Marcus Hay

Full room version, Photography: Jim Bastardo, Styling by Studio Marcus Hay

Banner on website, Photography: Jim Bastardo, Styling by Studio Marcus Hay
Thanks to Panoramica for their great copper tray

Banner on website, Photography: Jim Bastardo, Styling by Studio Marcus Hay
Thank you Dinosaur Designs for extra vases

Banner on website, Photography: Jim Bastardo, Styling by Studio Marcus Hay
Thank you Sklo for the glass vases, Check out their website, click Sklo

Banner on website, Photography: Jim Bastardo, Styling by Studio Marcus Hay
Thank you Sklo for the glass vases, Check out their website, click Sklo

Details of new Fabric selections at DWR, Photography: Jim Bastardo, Styling by Studio Marcus Hay
Thanks to Urban Ears for Headphones

Details online, not seen in Catalog, Photography: Jim Bastardo, Styling by Studio Marcus Hay
Banner on website, Photography: Jim Bastardo, Styling by Studio Marcus Hay
Thanks to Marnie Gilder for her great artwork

Spread of full room view, Photography: Jim Bastardo, Styling by Studio Marcus Hay

Spread of full room view, Photography: Jim Bastardo, Styling by Studio Marcus Hay
Thanks to James Gulliver Hancock for great Artwork

Spread of full room view, Photography: Jim Bastardo, Styling by Studio Marcus Hay
Thanks to James Gulliver Hancock for great Artwork

Here is a collection of recent images Studio Marcus Hay has styled for Design Within Reach.  What a lot of people would not realize is that when we shoot, We always have to shoot different versions for different purposes. In this instance most of these images seen here could be used as a spread in the actual printed Catalog but most of the time they end up of on the DWR website to illustrate the product or as a banner to promote a particular section. Sometimes you have to actually dig right on into the website to see them and may not catch them unless you were searching for a particular product.

For me often these shots require more styling and it's always what gets cropped out of the images that took the most work. We often need Artwork or pieces by particular Artists to fill out twice the space and to be honest we often don't know exactly how the images are to be used until we see the Catalog. I want to take this opportunity to thank all those people who supplied items that don't always make it into the printed Catalog, but it does get used and there is always the chance they will use the image later in a later printed Catalog. 

Please take some time to check out the links of all that helped, Just click on their name in the captions to be taken directly to their website. 

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