
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Williams Sonoma/ Summer, 13

Photography: Romulo Yanes

Photography: Romulo Yanes

Photography: Romulo Yanes

Photography: Romulo Yanes

Photography: Con Poulos

Photography: Con Poulos 

Summer is almost here, At least it feels that way in NYC! A few months ago in San Francisco, I worked on this batch of images for Williams Sonoma for their Summer issues of their Cooks Catalog. 

With the amazing Romulo Yanes we spent a week photographing Ice Cream, Milkshakes and Popsicles, As well as some exciting images for the Australian market (not shown here) for their new store in Sydney, Australia. Food Stylist Merilee Bordin did an extraordinary job of Food Styling, Ice Cream and things that melt quickly are never easy to work with. 

For this section of the Catalog I wanted to use Icy pastel palettes that complimented the product that felt slightly nostalgic harping back to an era like the 1950's when Milkshake Bars existed. We found some great vintage Enamel and old 1950's laminate tables that where used throughout. It was a lot of fun. 

The other 2 images here are of a cover I styled and some rubs/ sauces with Photographer Con Poulos and Food Stylist Alison Attenborough This was from an earlier trip but have just been featured, exciting to see my first Williams Sonoma cover! 

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