
Friday, April 19, 2013

Texas Y'All/ Studio MH on the road!

Left: Supersize me?, Right: Texas loves gas 
Left: Someone lost their bumper!, Right: Cacti at The Belmont

Left: Signage at Old Fort Worth, Right: Table found

Left: Barb Wire, Right: Detail of Design District, Dallas

Left; Dallas Diner, Right: Cowboy a go-go in Old Fort Worth

Left: New boots anyone, Right: Take me for a ride?

Left: Downtown Dallas skyline, Right: DMA sculpture garden, Granite Settee, 1982-83 by Scott Burton

Perot Museum Of Nature & Science, Built 2006, Dallas

Left: Dallas's latest park in Downtown, Klyde Warren Park, Right: Layers of Dumpsters, Industrial area, Dallas

Part of my stay was at The Belmont, great place to stay

Left: watch out for them dogs! Right: Taxidermy everywhere! Old Fort Worth

Left; She ain't Texan but could not resist, seen in a record store, Right: Detail of store in Old Fort Worth

Left: Cowboy car in Old Fort Worth, Right: Smoke, a great place to eat

Left: Industry Roadside, Right: Skyline of Dallas

Left: Store In Old Forth Worth, Right: Detail in White Elephant

Left: Barbra Hepworth Square with Two circles, 1963, Nasha Sculpture Center, Right: Detail on the street
Left: Klyde Warren Park detail in Downtown Dallas, Right: Calatrava's new bridge

Left: Bull Ring in Old Forth Worth, Right: Cows in the Paddock

Left: Saloon in Old Fort Worth, Right: Long Horn Cows walking the street

As most of you would know Texas is the biggest state in the U.S and so the saying goes "every thing's bigger in Texas" Retail giant JC Penney is based in Dallas Texas, where I spent the last few weeks working on a new line they are developing with Martha Stewart. JC Penney has been undergoing developing brand relationships with many other large U.S based and overseas companies such as Conran and Jonathan Adler.

As I mentioned Texas is a big place and Dallas is only one city. I have to say though it was a bit of a cultural whammy, like no other city (other than L.A and perhaps Minneapolis on a smaller scale) have I seen such a reliance on the car. The city is riddled with confusing highways that just keep getting built, A mass of roads that dictate the life of all that live there.

Dallas has many pockets of areas, many destinations if you can find them! You can't really get anywhere without a car, something I learnt the hard way when I decided to take a stroll one day. Dallas is not a strolling city.

The landscape of Downtown is a mass of angular hard lines, the freeways darting around it and intersecting it from all directions. The suburbs are spread out, Dallas is affluent but you also see the hard realities of homeless under the freeways and the often brutal examples of industry and commerce such as strip malls and chain restaurants.  

It's a different way of life, vastly different to NY, perhaps more like parts of NJ from what I have seen. The most refreshing area for me was The Bishops Arts District that has more of a village feel, an oasis in a huge city.

These are my views of Dallas and seen through my eyes, perhaps the next person might see it in a whole different light. 

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