
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Studio Marcus Hay SALE!

Left: Mykl Cummins, My trusty Assistant helped me on the day, Right: Wares to be had!
Photography: Marcus Hay

So many wares, So many friends! Even Winni's Dad all the way from Birmingham, England
Photography: Mykl Cummins and Marcus Hay

Photography: Mykl Cummins

Photography: Mykl Cummins

Yesterday we were blessed with no rain, even though all day it looked overcast and impending. The London Terrace Street Fair happens every year and thankfully I had a space on the street just outside my office. This year I was actually in town for once so it seemed a good opportunity to flog my wares and cleanse the ever over flowing prop annex of it's overstock.

It was a really wonderful way of meeting some very interesting people and we got a really great response, Thank you so much for my Assistant Mykl who came despite being sick with the flu, He was a champ and quite the salesman! 

Thanks also for all that popped in and said hello, Hope to see you again there next year! 

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