
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A trip down memory lane/ Inside Out Magazine

Covers Produced by Marcus Hay, From Left: Photography by Prue Ruscoe, Con Poulos, John Paul Urizar

Not my cover, Spread shot by Con Poulos, Produced by Marcus Hay
Nautical Trends Story

Not my cover, Spread shot by Elsa Hutton
Interior Spread on Julie Paterson's Apartment, Bondi
Cover and Spread shot by Tim Robinson, Produced by Marcus Hay
Red and Grey Trend Story
Not my cover, Inside Spread shot by Jonny Valiant, Produced by Marcus Hay
Budget Decorating Story
Cover shot by Prue Ruscoe, Produced by Marcus Hay
Inside Spread shot by Tim Robinson, Produced by Marcus Hay
Yellow Trend Story
Cover shot by John Paul Urizar, Produced by Marcus Hay
Inside spread shot by Time Robinson, Produced by Marcus Hay
Australian Made Story
Cover not mine, Inside spread shot by Tim Robinson, Produced by Marcus Hay
Black & White Decorating Story
When I started Styling for a living over a decade ago, It was Inside Out Magazine who picked me up as a regular Contributor, It is a relationship that I have happily kept up over the years, even contributing to the current issue on a story on Justin Dorset. Inside Out was a great place to start, As a Stylist and Creative Director, they really gave me free rein to present stories and run with them. For many years I would contribute to at least 2/3 stories an issue and often even the covers, From memory, I think I Produced and Styled over 10 covers for them over the years.

Today the magazine is still going strong, Recently they have started a Tumblr page devoted to celebrating 100 issues before the 100th issue and it features many old back issues of Inside Out, some featuring my work, You can check it out at

It is so nice to revisit some of these covers and pages, I remember all of them so fondly, They were all great projects to work on. Oh the stories behind them! Hope you enjoy! 

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