
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Decorating Brochures/ Mid Century

Love the graphic nature of this cover
Would love to own this house on the right

This could almost be an artwork, love the graphic nature of the layout
Who does not love a cheesy illustration and step by steps
I love this illo too, Brochure illo's was so aspirational back then
Now that's a range of color

I want to be her, wouldn't you?
Liquid Velvet Wall Paint, Super pastel
Another fine illustration
Holiday homes, Porches..That's the life. 
Wood was big in the 1960's
Only in 1967 but how great!
Just love a color chip
Right: All the brochure laid out, Left: Contact Chrome, Who knew?

It's with the biggest Thanks to the guys at Succotash in Minneapolis/ St Paul (See the link to a Yelp review), An amazing Vintage Store in Minneapolis/ St Paul which I rate as one of my all time favorite stores for these amazing brochures. A couple of months ago when there on a Target job, I was given a huge pile of these when I visited the store and I have been pouring over them ever since. I especially love the layout of the paint chips and illustrations.

These brochures are from an era when home life in America was booming, the innocence and the aspirational qualities of these brochures are just so sweet. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I do. 

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