
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Apartment Feature/ Design*Sponge Book, Grace Bonney

The spread of my Apartment
PJ Mehaffey's Brooklyn Apartment
Most of you would know the wonderful blog/site Design*Sponge and if you don't then you are long overdue to check it out! Grace Bonney, the creator has just released her first book, Design*Sponge at Home, You can order a copy at Amazon, or at Barnes & Noble, A constant source of info and inspiration, Design*Sponge, founded in 2006 is a daily Web site dedicated to home and product design. Grace in the past has worked as a contributing editor at publications like House & Garden, Domino, and Craft Magazine.

The premise of the Web site and book  is to make home decor and renovation accessible and affordable and to create unique spaces that reflect our personality and style, The book is nearly 400 pages of creative, fun and do-able ideas featuring 65 apartments and houses, mine is just one of those many! : )

Grace has been working on the book for 2 years and it was quite some time ago she asked me to be part of the project, One of my apartments features in the book shot by super fine Photographer Hallie Burton, It was very exciting to be asked to be featured on such a big project, My friend PJ Mehaffey's, place is also featured, see above. 

Grace is about to hit the road on a national book tour, Congrats and Good Luck Grace!