
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Props that got away

Photography: Marcus Hay
Photography: Marcus Hay
Photography: Marcus Hay
Photography: Marcus Hay
Photography: Marcus Hay

Photography: Marcus Hay

Nearly every large shoot I do there is always those props that don’t make it into the shots, Maybe they are deemed too left of field, Maybe there just not quite the right fit but between you and me, often they are the most interesting, Ssshh!

I often look at the excess props and think; why oh why could they could they not have had their moment? Every Prop Stylist will tell you, often being the “Caretaker of Objects” means you feel you have a responsibility to allow each and every prop to shine but sometimes there is only so many times a prop can be rejected or overseen by camera or client, some are just simply misunderstood. You learn pretty quick that sometimes there is no rhyme or reason, it’s just not their time and you have to accept that as beautiful as they may seem, they will see a brighter day.

On a recent shoot, I have vowed though never to let it totally happen again, I made a point to my Assistant Jeanne that for every shoot where groupings or themes are missed, I will take “artfully” arranged photos with a handy application and allow them to have new life on this blog, I hope you enjoy some recent examples.     

1 comment:

  1. I would like to say thank you on behalf of all the props that were left out from the shoot. Thank you!!
