
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Garnet Hill/ Summer Already!

Photography: Maura McEvoy
Photography: Maura McEvoy
Photography: Maura McEvoy
Photography: Maura McEvoy
Photography: Maura McEvoy
Photography: Maura McEvoy

In the latest catalogue for New Hampshire based company Garnet Hill, I worked for the first time on their Summer edition. All the gang at Garnet Hill all work so hard and it was great to meet such a dedicated crew. Casey and the set guys whip those sets up right in front of your face! What you may not realize is that all these wonderful shots are in a studio with walls held up with sand bags, With my world as you have probably gathered, it's always a world of illusion. We all had a recent conversation over a beer recently in local hangout "Social 2055" in New Hampshire that as kids we all like to play "house" creating worlds out of blankets, cardboard boxes or just nature and here we are in life doing the same thing. Our trusty leaders Jennifer Bianco and Amy Schroeder Prawitz work tirelessly on creating set designs and themes. Thanks also to my trusty sidekick Jeanne Lurvey who deserves a "Truckers Medal" driving up our U Haul from NYC and assisting me for over 3 weeks on this project.

When you work on a Catalogue like this, You marvel at the skill of a Bed Wrangler/ Stylist, Fern and her assistant Michael are simply amazing, I have done a lot of soft styling in conjunction with props myself on bedding ranges, One of my main clients for many years was Sheridan Australia, When working on such a large number of stacks and beds however you need to be almost zen about your approach and incredibly focused, making a bed perfect looking requires years of practise. I am so grateful that my job this time, (which is big enough) allowed me to focus on just the props, perfecting those beds is high pressure, every crease is under the microscope and as the saying goes "The camera never lies"  

I won't hide the fact that in the dead of winter, New Hampshire can seem very remote and a tad scary with slippery roads and other perils (I am yet to see a moose! : ) However it is also a place of incredible beauty! I have never seen so much snow! 

The challenge as a Stylist in a remote area is finding "stuff" with the aid of a truck full of props that we drove up 9 hours from New York and a few great stores in town such as "Just L" owned by dynamic duo Lance and Greg we were set. Last but not least, Maura McEvoy, who incidentally has the most beautiful website in town photographed these and with an ex Stylist's eye, she is a pleasure to work with because she understands and appreciates the right props and their quiet power! ; )

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