
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Apartment Feature/ Original Images

The problem with scanning in from magazines as some of you might know is that the quality is not always that great, maybe its time for me to upgrade to a better quality scanner but I always find the at the original images from the Photographers is always the best. That is why I am supplying the edit of my previous post from the Photographers website directly. If you check out You will see them in amongst a whole selection of gorgeous interior shots by Mr Valiant, but for a quick glance, Here they are in all their glory. For many who check out my blog regularly, you will have already seen many of these shots previewed here in a variety of stories. This will probably be my last post on this particular apartment, I hope you enjoy them with some more clarity and with the vision of the Photographer in mind.

1 comment:

  1. Hola Marcus
    Por esta publicación es que conocí tu extraordinario trabajo. En a colocación de los objetos contra los fondos de color, los dotas de una gran belleza. Además en tus cuidadas composiciones, el lugar que le das a cada objeto, hace que todo sume para hacer grandiosa tu obra. Así es como llegue a tu blog. Gracias por re-crear la belleza. Lilia.
