
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Apartment Feature/ Elle Decoration

One of my favorite magazines in the world would have to be the UK edition of Elle Decoration, for years I have bought nearly every issue. Of course like many magazines it has gone through a variety of Editors and Layouts, but for me it has always stayed true to its core, It’s always inspirational, always a touch quirky in that English kinda way. I often use it for research for projects and while I currently have my set split between 2 countries, I long for the day when I can marry them together in one bookshelf!

Of course I was delighted when I got the call from Emma Love, a writer for the magazine to say they wanted to feature my place in the “At home with.” section of the magazine. Photographer Hallie Burton, had shot my place months before and while Australian magazine “Real Living” had featured this shoot also in a recent issue, they had not used all the shots so it is great to see some previous discarded shots used in a very different style of layout, they also featured a new portrait of me.

This feature is in the November issue of Elle Decoration, just out of newsstands. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Sir! Well done! Or should I say 'Elle' done! (I know... insert eye rolling and groaning here.) But still! How exciting and fantastic for you! Can't wait to check it out at the newsstand. :)
