
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A new toy!

On today's shoot with Photographer Kate Mathis for Good Housekeeping, I was shown by the photography crew a great application on our I-Phones that makes any image shot on your phone into a Polaroid effected masterpiece, Of course the instant thrill of an image coming to the fore in front of yours eyes is like magic to someone like me, within half an hour I had a gallery of shots.

Of course on any given day I am usually lucky on a shoot to have a mirage of glittering objects in front of me so I am not short of subject matter. It is a nice way to record the event though, The fun continued into the night with dark and moody self portraits and still life around the apartment, Oh how easily one can be amused!

I will try not to bore you with endless examples, but here is a couple of posts worth, after that I will use it sparingly, I promise!, maybe! : )

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