
Monday, November 30, 2009

Daily Imprint

I had forgot to mention that I had the opportunity to be part of Natalie Walton's brilliant blog called "Daily Imprint" See her blurb below:

The Hotel Chelsea in New York tags itself as a "rest stop for rare individuals". Well, I hope this is what Daily Imprint becomes for you - a place to stop and get a hit of inspiration. As a journalist (deputy editor of Real Living magazine) and writer living in Sydney, Australia, I get to meet all sorts of amazing creative types - people who are pursuing their passion. They inspire me - I hope they give you wings, too.

Natalie is (as she mentions) The Deputy Editor at Real Living Magazine, a mag that I have been gladly contributing to for many years.

Check out her blog:

Attached are some of the images featured on Natalies blog of some of my work.

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